What is Botox?
Botox (Botulinum toxin) is a toxin obtained from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It shows its effect by preventing the release of substances that provide conduction in the nerve endings, and by stopping the transmission between the nerves and the organs reached by the nerves. The cessation of nerve conduction ensures that the functions of the organ reached by the nerve are reduced or completely lost. It can be used for aesthetic and cosmetic purposes, to reduce facial wrinkles that occur with the movements of mimic muscles, to prevent their formation and to reduce sweating in areas with excessive sweating, and in the treatment of chronic migraine.

In which areas is Botox used?
wrinkle treatment
The working of the mimic muscles over the years makes the folds on the skin that covers it prominent and thus dynamic lines appear on the face. The most common dynamic lines are seen on the forehead, between the eyebrows, around the eyes and around the lips. The lines on the forehead and around the eyes give the person an older look, and the lines between the eyebrows give the person a frowning, angry look. By applying Botox to the mimic muscles, the movements of these muscles can be weakened, the decrease in muscle movements also reduces the folding of the skin on it with muscle movements and the lines due to folding. In this way, a significant improvement is achieved in the facial expression that looks old and angry.
face shaping
With Botox injection, the eyebrows can be lifted from the tail part and the height in the middle part of the eyebrows can be lowered, which causes a confused face appearance.
The appearance of prominent upper gingiva with the smile causes an unaesthetic appearance while smiling. This situation can be easily corrected with Botox injection.
Masetter (chewing muscle) Hypertrophy: Unlike other area applications, Botox applications to the massetter muscle are not applied for wrinkles, but to soften the square face appearance of patients with significant massetter muscle hypertrophy and to obtain an oval face. Thus, a thinner and more feminine face appearance is obtained.
Over-sweating treatment
When Botox is applied to the sweat glands, the transmission between the sweat glands and nerve endings can also be stopped and the functioning of the sweat glands can be reduced. The areas of the body that sweat the most are the palms and armpits. When Botox is applied to the sweaty areas of people with excessive sweating and related sweat odor complaints, their complaints are improved.
The effect of the application lasts up to 6 months after the excessive sweating areas are determined by the test performed before the application.
migraine treatment
Botox application; It is applied to 7 regions of the head and neck with needle tips that are thinner than 31 injection points. The treatment is planned individually and there are at least 2 treatment periods with an interval of 12 weeks. In some patients, the injection needs to be repeated for treatment effectiveness, while in some patients, the effectiveness continues for several years. With the decision of a specialist neurologist, additional doses can be applied to the required areas in botox injections according to the pain location, and migraine can be brought under control by obtaining successful results.
How is Botox made?
Botox is administered as an injection and is not a painful procedure, a slight pain may be felt at the time of injection. When a decrease in the movements of the mimic muscles is desired, it is injected into the mimic muscles, and when the sweating complaint is desired to decrease, it is injected into the skin.
The effect of Botox starts 3-4 days after the injection and fully settles in the first week and the duration of action is 4-6 months. When Botox loses its effect, the application can be repeated.
Botox has no serious side effects on health. After the application, a temporary swelling, bruising, and rarely a temporary drooping of the eyelid may occur.
Immediately after the operation, daily life can be continued with comfort. However, movements that require bending for a long time and working the facial muscles should be avoided. In addition, the head should be kept elevated for about four hours after the Botox injection, leaning forward should be avoided and not lying down. Approximately eight hours after the Botox injection, you can take a shower with lukewarm water and without causing any damage to the face, that is, without applying a pouch or pressure. Care should be taken to use cold water while washing the face.
Frequently asked questions about Botox
Is Botox snake venom?
No, botox is a natural, protein-based drug produced from a special bacteria.
Who applies Botox?
Botox application, which is an effective method in facial rejuvenation, should be performed by specialist physicians who are well-versed in facial anatomy and who have received adequate training in order to avoid possible complications and obtain the desired result.