Hail to Karagöz
We are on Cekirge Caddesi. On your left is Süleyman Çelebi, the poet of ‘Mevlidi Şerif’, and on your right is the mausoleum of Karagöz and Hacivat. İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu makes a pinpoint determination when he says “Karagöz’s greatness is not in his presence, but in his absence”. Because the information about Karagöz and Hacivat, which was reflected on the screen of dreams with the help of Sheikh Küster, at the time of the establishment of the empire, is blurred. Despite this, if we say it with the description of Sabri Esat Siyavuşgil; People believe that the curtain of dreams was established in Bursa. That being the case, let’s bow respectfully before Karagöz and Hacivat, whose popularity never diminishes and is renewed in every age. After taking a souvenir photo in front of their tile reliefs, go to Turkey’s first Karagöz Museum, across the road. Let’s also convey our respect to Şinasi Çelikkol, who revolted such a structure.

Where is the oldest inscription of the Ottoman Empire?
Iznik; undoubtedly the most beautiful district of Bursa. A ring stone built around the lake it gives its name to, dating from ancient times to modern times. The capital where Rome manifested itself (the Roman road still exists), the capital where Byzantium was born from the melce and its ashes after the 1204 Latin invasion, the first capital of the Seljuks in Anatolia, the place where the Ottomans established the first madrasah… Let’s repeat it once more: Iznik; Sarı Saltuk’s dream, Davudu Kayseri’s mirror of religion and science, Cem’s unfulfilled prophecy, Sheikh Bedreddin’s ‘silent house’. This small town is the 3rd city considered holy for Christians, after the Vatican and Jerusalem. Because the ‘Iznik Creed’, in which Christianity was institutionalized, was completed here. One more question: Where is the oldest inscription from the Ottoman Empire, which has survived to the present day, in the Hacı Özbek Mosque?

Doctor of troubled lovers
Bursa’ has an important place in Ottoman Sufism. Let’s knock on the door of His Holiness Üftâde, the master of Celvetism, which I describe as ‘the mystical paint of the city’: Derived from the Arabic word ‘celâ’ and meaning to be evident, to appear, celvet means ‘the slave who goes into seclusion, destroys his own self and existence, and goes out of seclusion with the attributes of God. and being mortal in God. Celvetiyye, which Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi systematized by learning from his master, Üftâde, will become widespread in Anatolia and Rumelia, and leaven the Ottoman geography. Now let’s leave the Üftade Mosque and tomb with the poem Hüdayi Dede, one of the ‘Four Guards of the Bosphorus’, told his sheikh: “The physician for troubled lovers is Hz. If you want to go to Üftâde’s lodge, take the Aydede minibus from Tahtakale. When you open the door of the lodge, would you say, as Tanpınar said in ‘Huzur’, “I would definitely have been Celveti if I had come back then”? In the meantime, be sure to stop by the Haraççıoğlu Madrasa, which is considered the neighbor of Üftâde. You will hear tunes from Zeki Müren’s neighbourhood, while you are drinking coffee or tea during your pleasure in the ‘second time’ garden.

‘Tirilye olives are eaten in Bosphorus Moonlights
Mudanya is a station where Istanbulites are familiar with sea buses. Let’s refer this town to another article, you continue to move towards the west. After the old Greek town of Siği, you will arrive in Tirilye. This fishing town is famous for its wine and olives. Speaking of olives; Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar highly praises this purple olive in the ‘Bosphorus Moonlights’. Tirilye, with its old streets, Taş Mektep, Fatih Mosque, Coffin House, post office, Dundar House, Kemerli Church, is a place that mostly protects and defends itself; Don’t miss out on seeing it.